Tuesday, January 21, 2014

10 Months!

Ah Tuesday evening. It's usually Tuesday, mid-day, that I finally start to feel awake (only with the help of B's espresso maker) after working an overnight on the weekends! This week has been a stay-at-home week so far. Monday was MLK day so B was able to hang with G while I got some zzz's.
They spent lots of time playing in her new play house!
We spent the rest of Monday menu planning and grocery shopping.

On the menu this week:
Monday: Order out night.
Tuesday: Southwest chicken tacos and roasted sweet potatoes
Wednesday: Grilled sirloin and smashed potatoes
Thursday: Chicken and feta over mixed greens and mushroom risotto
Friday: Pepper crusted pork tenderloin and roasted brussels sprouts

Today I was in weekend-house-recovery mode and lots of dishes and laundry ensued! (So fun, right!?) It is seriously frigid here so we may just hibernate all week long!
I think G may feel differently ;)

Wasn't this supposed to be a post about how G is 10 months today? Whoops! Let's get to it. 

I can hardly believe you are 10 months old today baby girl. That sounds SO much older than 9. You will be 1 before we know it. I better get party planning, huh? 
Sweet girl, your daddy and I adore you. It is hard to put into words how incredibly blessed we feel by you everyday. Our hearts are SO full. It is a thrill to be your parents and watch you grow smarter, bigger and more beautiful every single day! 
Ten months and already reading! ;) 
At 10 months you:

  • Are still nursing. You have a hard time sitting still these days so our nursing days may be numbered. You would rather explore, I hardly blame you :) We haven't had to supplement yet but I'm often pumping and chasing you around to finish a bottle. 
  • You love your solids! You are eating three meals a day. Breakfast is usually yogurt. I am making your baby food, so for lunch we usually do a few "ice cubes" of fruit and some cheese. For dinner you have mixed veggies and whatever else we can get you to eat, this is our struggle meal right now. 
  • Your favorite snack is cheerios, although puffs come in a close second.
  • We haven't ventured into the meat territory yet, I think once you cut a few more teeth we'll try some different kinds. 
  • You are a champ at going to bed these days! You usually settle right in. We are still working on sleeping through the night ;). You are usually up once between 2 and 4 but teething is throwing a wrench in the mix. You'll get there!
  • You are taking two naps these days. One around nap around 10 for 1.5 hours and an afternoon nap around 2 for about an hour. Bedtime is at 7! We have a routine all set in place to help you settle in for the night. Bath, lotion, pj's, books, nurse, bed! 
You have two bottom teeth right now but I can see those top four JUST about to cut through. It is causing you to be extra cuddly. No complaints here! We purchased the amber teething necklace but haven't been consistent enough with it to see results.
  • You are ON THE MOVE little lady. You crawl, climb, cruise and play all day. You'll be walking before we know it. Daddy and I better watch out! 
  • One of my favorite things about you is your little voice. You love saying "aww" when you hug your stuffed animals. You also say hi, baba, dada, mama, papa and other various sounds. I could listen to you laugh all day long, it just melts my mama heart! I throw in some extra belly tickles to hear it sometimes :)
  • You are waving hi and bye-bye, you throw your arms in the air for so big, give high-fives, and you clap away. We are working on blowing kisses!
  • You love sunday dinners with my side of the fam. 

  • G you are the happiest of happy little girls. It is rare that we don't see you with a huge grin on your face. You are easy going and happy to just hang with your mama and daddy. 
  • You "fake cough" to get our attention and also have picked up on "fake laughing"! You will give a little "ha" to get our attention and it cracks us right up! 
  • You love when we chat on our phones. I think when you hear the ringing you assume I'm calling Daddy because you get so excited and say "dada!"
You are our blondey babe all the way with the most beautiful bright blue eyes. You get those from your Dad ;).
I am assuming you are about 19 pounds at this point but I will know for sure when we go to the doctor next month. 
You are a long baby girl. I'll update your length after your appointment. 
You are in 12-18 months clothes only for the length! You have legs for days. Lucky lady! You wear size 3 shoes and size 3 diapers! 

G, you are the most wonderful gift and we love you more than we could have ever imagined possible! Thank you sweet girl for making me a mama. I now have an ounce of the understanding of the love that the Lord has for us all. I can't wait to watch your personality grow and develop every more then it already has. I love you beyond measure Grace Margaret. Happy 10 months! 

1 comment:

  1. Cait...you are the most amazing and loving mom! I am so proud of the woman you are and the mama that g has made you. You are so patient, attentive, and full of love! God has blessed me with a very special gift..the gift of being present to witness my baby girl grow into a BEAUTIFUL woman...inside and out. I love you!


