Friday, January 17, 2014

Five on Friday!

I am linking up with Darci and the other ladies for a Five on Friday post! This is my first link up so I'm not even sure I am doing it right! Check out their blogs and link up yourself for some Friday fun ;).

1. My Grandparents are down in warm and sunny Florida for most of the winter. They sent us a box of the most wonderful oranges for Christmas. They weren't able to be shipped right away so we just received them this week and boy were they worth the wait. These are some of the most delicious oranges I've ever had! It helps us stick to our new year diet resolutions when you can snack on something like this! I may or may not have had 4 when they first arrived :). 
2. We had friends over for dinner last night. Sometimes it can be hard with a little one to get the house in shape, get the daily dishes and laundry done, errands etc. and prepare to have friends over that night for a meal but I am always so glad that I did with these guys! The Moran's have a little boy the same age as Grace and it is so much fun to watch them play together. It's also fun to catch up and have some time for fellowship with such wonderful people. It's nice when you find friends who are at such a similar place in their lives as we. Love you Steve and Lindsay! We're blessed by your friendship.
If you follow me on Insta you may have seen these pictures already, bare with me :) 

3. The Farnham family gave Grace a beautiful wall decal from Shanna Murray Illustrated Decals for Christmas this year and I just LOVE it. I purchased the frame and the matting this week to add this beauty to Grace's nursery. I couldn't be more excited to put this sweet addition together! 
4. My Mom (a elementary school teacher) made a photo book "Grace's Faces" for G this week. It has pictures of all of her family members, near and far. (Dogs included!) Grace is LOVING this book and checking out all of her favorite peeps. I love it too because it's helping her to learn to put names and  faces together! Thanks Lulu! 

5. Lastly, something I am loving EVERY week nowadays. When G was first born, I went back to work, working 3 night shifts. Shortly after I switched to working 4 evening shifts a week. (I work as a RN at a local Children's Hospital.) A few months ago I switched (yet again!) to something called weekend track. I wont bore you with the details but basically it means I get to be a SAHM during the week and enjoy SO much more time with my girl. A SAHM during the week and a worker bee on the weekends! I love this schedule, it really works for our family right now. 

We are off to get an oil change in B's car and to visit the newest member of the Kyea family today, sweet baby Robert! I'm excited to see how big G looks next to a newborn! She still feels so small to me but I'm sure that will change today! 
Thanks for tuning in for Five on Friday! Enjoy your weekend :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi from the linkup, lovely!!! Your babe is PRECIOUS and oh so beautiful. LOVING that decal you's perfect!! Hoe you had a fabulous weekend! xx


